Fishing Buoy 10, Chinook, WA

Chinook, Washington is located near the mouth of the Columbia River.
This has become one of my favorite fisheries with huge runs of Fall Chinook and Coho salmon both chrome bright and hard fighting. This exciting fishery has lots of action with limits of King salmon had daily. For the non fisherman in the family, only 10 miles away is Astoria, OR which offers a host of shops and restaurants and The Maritime Museum. This is a trip guaranteed to keep the whole family entertained.
Salmon Fishing
Famed for its pink meat and mild flavor, the salmon is the most sought after fish in the world.
RATES: 1 day trip: $275 per person. 2 person minimum. 5 people maximum capacity per boat.
Salmon Season: The month of August. (Exact starting and closing dates can vary from year to year.)