Let’s Get Our Fish On!


Steel Dreams Guide Service offers fishing adventures in Washington and Idaho. We run all our trips on 24’-26’ jets sleds and provide all the Rods, Reels, Bait, and Tackle. Experience some of Washington’s premier rivers – the Snake, Columbia and Idaho’s Clearwater River! Whether your appetite is for salmon, steelhead, small mouth bass, Walleye or sturgeon – novice or an experienced angler – Steel Dreams is your ultimate guide service.

Adam Hocking, owner and operator of Steel Dreams Guide Service, holds a 25 ton U.S. Coast Guard Master License and is fully insured. A Northwest native, whose family has fished these rivers for generations, Adam has a vast knowledge of fishing, river lore and fascinating local historical information. As a Professional Guide for nearly 20 years, Adam invites you to test his superior fishing abilities, skills and techniques. He personally guarantees your fishing experience to be an adventure to remember. Please call or email him with questions. Call (509) 869-9694 or click here.

This could be you!